RAM-France, has since September 2021 come under the control of 2CH, a holding company created and owned by two entrepreneurs including M. Cyril HABIB who currently holds the position of General Manager.

By acquiring RAM-France, the 2CH Holding’s strategic intent was to consolidate the business through merger/acquisition operations in this industry. ThereforeRAM France made 2 consequently acquisitions:
  • EASYPACK business, acquired at the end of February 2022.
  • REPLITEC business, acquired at the end of June 2022.
EASYPACK provides RAM-France with packaging products and RITEK (TAIWAN) media, which complete the range of consumables marketed by RAM-France.REPLITEC brings to RAM-France, a quality customer base in the duplication & publishing activity by allowing to strengthen and develop these high added value and strategic businesses.RAM-France, is currently pursuing its quest for internal and external growth;aiming to consolidate its core business - supply of products, consumables and services in the duplication of CD/DVD/USB and other media...
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